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This page contains links to files we are making available for FTP download. Some downloads are in the zip format.
DrzTrack Versions DrzTrack.exe, Version 5.31 is the newest control and tracking program, and version 5.30 for the CT-2 controller. In addition to providing setup, testing, and tracking functions, it also can serve as an interface between certain other tracking programs and the controller board. DrzTrack.exe (v5.31) must be used with firmware version 5.30 (see Finding Firmware Version).
DrzTrack version 5.31 and firmware version 5.30 Download DrzTrack Install Program
NOTE: Starting with firmware version 5.10, PIC18F4580 processors do not have enough program memory to include the F1EHN optional feature. If you need to use the F1EHN tracker then specify the use of the PIC18F4680 processor when you order processors or controller boards.
All versions now include the boot loader. This means that users can apply firmware upgrades without having to buy a programming device. Loading new firmware will be done by installing the new DrzTrack version and then accessing a 'Boot Load' menu item, selecting the correct hex file for your processor and speed, and clicking the upload button. See Boot Loading for more information.The hex files for boot loading are included in the DrzTrack installation file and after installation they can be found in the same folder where DrzTrack is installed on your hard disk. If you use the default installation path that will be in the C:\W2DRZ\DrzTrack\DrzTrack_531\ folder.
If you have firmware older than version 5.01 then you cannot use the boot loader. If you have the capability of programming the PIC Processors, you may download the full CT-2 firmware hex files. They can be found in the installation folder mentioned above. Use the programming tool to upload the appropriate hex file to your CT-2 controller yourself. (See below for information on selecting the correct file for your processor and clock speed.)
Links to earlier versions of DrzTrack are shown below, along with the matching firmware versions.
DrzTrack version 5.27 and firmware version 5.27: Download Install Program
DrzTrack version 5.22 and firmware version 5.22: Download Install Program
DrzTrack version 5.20 and firmware version 5.20: Download Install Program
DrzTrack version 5.12 and firmware version 5.10: Download Install Program
DrzTrack version 5.10 and firmware version 5.03: Download Install Program
DrzTrack version 5.03 and firmware version 5.01: Download Install Program
For Version 5 firmware, if you have the capability of programming the PIC Processors, the install files above also contain the various hex files to use. You can use the appropriate hex file and program your CT-2 controller yourself. Also as new versions are available you can instantly update your system. There are four hex files for each firmware version. You need to select the one for your processor. Note that until 1/1/2015 all stock CT-2 boards come with the PIC18F4580 processor and 20 MHz clock. Subsequent boards may have the 40 MHz clock. No production boards have the PIC18F4680 processor, but it will work and so the hex files are provided.
Note that the units with 20 MHz clock have a 20 MHz crystal. The units with 40 MHz clock have a 10 MHz crystal (with internal x 4 PLL multiplier enabled). If you wish to upgrade your unit to 40 MHz all that is necessary is to replace the crystal and apply the correct hex file. You can order the correct 10 MHz crystal from Digikey, their part number is CTX902-ND (manufacturer part # ATS100B).
Finding Firmware Version You can identify the firmware version by viewing it at the top of the configuration window of the DrzTrack program, or on the LCD display when the board is first powered up, or is reset. Also some of the PICC processors will have the version number marked on them. To upgrade your firmware, there are several options. Check our upgrade policy and ordering pages for details.