This page displays an up-to-date listing of changes to our customer support web. We'll also place notices here regarding product updates, scheduled releases, or problems and work-arounds that may affect all users. When bugs reported by our users get fixed, we'll place a notice here, along with the fix on the download page.











  • New DrzTrack.exe Version  5.11 and firmware version 5.10. See the download page.
  • Fixed a bug where reading saved band information would fail.
  • Fixed a bug in the local control panel that caused failure to rewrite the correct location of the Call3.txt file when adding a call.
  • Fixed a bug in the main dialog that caused call sign lookup to fail.
  • The previous 3 bugs were introduced in version 5.10
  • Moved the boot loader dialog from the main dialog setup menu to a tab on the setup dialog. This makes it less likely to enter the boot loader by mistake.
  • Added the ability to disable the motion sensor for AZ or EL. See Move Precision
  • Added the ability do disable motion control for AZ or EL. See  Disable Azimuth or Elevation
  • NOTE:  Starting with firmware version 5.10, PIC18F4580 processors do not have enough program memory to include the F1EHN optional feature.  If you need to use the F1EHN tracker then specify the use of the PIC18F4680 processor when you order processors or controller boards.


  • DrzTrack.exe Version  5.10. See the download page.
  • Changes to how absolute encoders are programmed and used. See Absolute Encoder Programming.
  • Fixed a bug that caused boot loading to fail on fast computers.
  • Changes to how Jogging the antenna position works. See Jogging,
  • Changes to how DrzTrack stores settings.
  • Now allows selecting location of Call3.txt file so as to use same file as used by WSJT and other programs.
  • Updated DrzTrack to be built using the latest version Microsoft Visual Studio.
  • General code and error handling improvements.
  • DrzTrack.exe Version  5.03. See the download page.
  • Fixed a bug that caused position offsets to be applied even when the offset table was disabled.
  • Fixed some tracking message errors.


  • DrzTrack.exe Version  5.02. See the download page, minor changes from 5.01
  • Removed Sending message after updating encoder configuration.
  • Changed boot loader to be backward compatible with firmware version 5.00 boot loader.


  • DrzTrack.exe (Version  5.01, and firmware Version 5.01). See the download page.
  • This version features a boot loader. It can be used to upgrade the firmware in the controller.
  • Also this version has positional offsets.  See the DrzTrack page for details.


  • DrzTrack.exe (Version  3.20). See the download page.
  • This replaces version 3.19. There are very few changes. A small bug when displaying negative headings was fixed, and there was a problem with the polarization rotation display that was fixed.


  • DrzTrack.exe and hex files for CT-2 controller (Version 3.19 and 4.08 firmware).  See the download page.
  • This supersedes version 3.18 and 4.07 described below.  All of the comments for the pervious version are correct, but there was a serious bug in the release for users who needed to use negative antenna elevation values.  This is fixed in this release.


  • DrzTrack.exe and hex files for CT-2 controller (Version 3.18 and 4.07 firmware).  See the download page.
  • More fixes for US Digital Absolute encoders.  There were still problems due to interference between the communications between DrzTrack and the controller when running low baud rates.  A new, smaller, data format and some sequencing changes fixes the problem.
  • A problem when entering an invalid call or grid square in the DxCall field in the main dialog has been fixed.
  • When entering a new call in the calls database in the local dialog, the new call would not be available in the main dialog until the program was restarted - fixed.


  • DrzTrack.exe and hex files for CT-2 controller (Version 3.11 and 4.01 firmware).  See the download page.
  • This version primarily fixes some problems with US Digital Absolute encoders.  US Digital has made some revisions to their product and we have had some difficulty keeping up with it.  This version should fix all issues.
  • Also, a newer band interface is provided with this release.  Now users can specify an offset, in degrees, for Azimuth and Elevation, for each band through 26 GHz.  This is mainly to facilitate dish users who have multiple feeds and require different offsets for the various bands.  The band information is entered in the program setup dialog, but the active band can be changed right from the main DrzTrack window.
  • There have been fixes and changes to the Local Control Panel as well. Azimuth rotor control buttons have been added to allow moving the antenna without entering a stop position (it will not attempt to move past the set tracking maximum). A bug in the mechanism to add a new call to the calls database has been fixed, and memory dialog has been added that allows users to enter up to 12 station calls in a memory database for quick positioning for those stations.
  • The program setup dialog now has a control to specify the usage of the signal field on the main dialog.  The default setting is 'OFF' so that the signal field does not appear at all.  It can be set to show 'Signal' or 'Polarization', with appropriate fields to calibrate the values shown in either case.
  • New SEQ-2 Sequencer board added. See Products page.
  • Now Controller hex files are available for download. See the download page.


  • New DrzTrack version 3.11. Added or improved many features. (See the DrzTrack and Detailed Settings pages.)
  • New protocol for native tracking mode and DrzTrack to controller communications, improves reliability and speed.
  • Added a Local Control Panel for use with terrestrial communications, see Local Control Panel.
  • New indicators for current antenna position in all windows, position is now shown with an interactive compass display.
  • Added "Move on Click" functionality to allow quick manual moves. (See the DrzTrack and Local Control Panel for details.)
  • Added editing and adding items in the Call3.txt file. (See Local Control Panel for details.)
  • Will only work with CT-2 firmware version 4 or above. See the Products Page for information on upgrading firmware.
  • DrzTrack now remembers the last screen position for its main dialog, and for the local control panel.
  • Added the ability to set up US Digital Absolute encoders in the Setup Dialog.

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